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Sometimes something crosses your path. And then you just have to do something with it. In this journey, I felt like Dorothy in the wizard of oz. I was spotted by the French fashion designer Jean Charles de Castelbajac. He told in an interview that he was impressed with the new Cross Colors collection that I had designed at the time. With this in mind, I decided to approach him to start a collaboration. 

It was an exciting period. Made several things for him and went up and down to Paris a few times and also once to his castle in Toulouse. In the end, it did not end in a collaboration. But I do believe that everything happens for a reason. And that we can learn a lesson from this. Just like Dorothy in the wizard of oz!

We need to take the time to truly look within and reconnect with who we are and our heart's desire. * Embrace change. Change and facing our fears can be scary. Just like the witch and tornado that Dorothy faced, we too will face challenges and change.

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